UPDATED 09/07/2021
Due to the tightening of restrictions in Greater Sydney as at 09/07/21, SGMAA will be moving ALL physical classes across to ZOOM Live-Streaming and from this point on we will refer to this as our VIRTUAL DOJANG. For security reasons our VIRTUAL DOJANG is only accessible via our password protected Members Portal. Access is subject to approval from the portal administrator and only granted to students with an 'Active Membership'.
Please register for portal access here if you have not yet been granted access.
Our 6 day per week timetable will remain in effect with minor adjustments and will be operated exclusively out of our VIRTUAL DOJANG until further advice from Health NSW and Education NSW permits us to re-enter the physical Dojang again – which to most of us, we regard as our second home, a place where we meet our extended Taekwondo family most days of the week, year in and year out and have a chance to do what we love!
Please note that 'Samurais' and 'Ninjas' classes will be combined and run by Ms Jacky and her Staff members and both 'Juniors' and 'Seniors' classes will be combined and run by Master George and his staff members.
In keeping with our physical Dojang rules, full uniform and belt is required to attend online classes; failing to wear your full Dobok will render you removed from the virtual Dojang. This also applies for Black Belt Elite classes where the BBE Black Dobok is compulsory. We must maintain and continue in carrying on the traditions, customs and etiquette of our physical Dojang inside the VIRTUAL DOJANG as this time away from our physical Dojang is only temporary and we do not want to undo all the hard work we have made to date.
Inside the SGMAA Members Portal, you will find 2 x ZOOM buttons:
ZOOM link to 'Samurais' & 'Ninjas' classes
ZOOM link to 'Juniors' & 'Seniors' classes
*For security reasons, the ZOOM link is changed regularly and is only accessible via the Virtual Dojang (Members Portal).
SGMAA have purchased 2 x brand new iPad PRO's with state of the art processing speeds and crystal clear cameras designed for conferencing and live-streaming applications. In addition, we have purchased large amounts of high-speed mobile broadband, powered by Optus Business to ensure there are no lags on our broadcast and you receive the fastest Live-Streamed classes possible!
Furthermore, we are committed to each and everyone of our loyal SGMAA students and we are continuing with the hire of both Kogarah and Kingsgrove Dojangs (where all Live-Stream Classes will be broadcast from) to ensure you feel as close to your physical training as possible – for SGMAA, nothing can get in our way and it is training and commitment to our education of our beloved art as usual.
For trouble shooting during Live-Streaming, please SMS 0404 778 330 and an SGMAA team member will attempt to assist you with access to the VIRTUAL DOJANG and Live-Streamed Classes. Please note: only Active Members are granted access to the SGMAA Members Portal & upcoming Gradings.
Grading for Juniors and Seniors will be postponed until Saturday 17th July 2021 as this is the date proposed by the NSW Government when restrictions will ease, however this is subject to reduced COVID case numbers at that time.
If for any reason the lifting of restrictions is delayed further, the Grading will be postponed to the following Saturday and if by any chance this date is also threatened with a delay, we will be forced to run the July 2021 Juniors / Seniors Grading inside our VIRTUAL DOJANG (via ZOOM).
More information to follow on this as information surfaces from NSW Health and NSW Education.
SGMAA Membership fees will continue to debit for those that wish to continue their training inside our VIRTUAL DOJANG. By continuing with your training you are demonstrating your 'Indomitable Spirit' of never giving up! matter what challenges you are confronted with.
Students that continue their training via our VIRTUAL DOJANG will receive:
Access to High-Quality Live-Streamed Classes 6 days of the week
Classes personally operated by SGMAA founders, Ms Jacky & Master George
Continued training and access to the SGMAA Member Portal
Access to the SGMAA home-training video library (to be uploaded by 12/07/21)
Eligibility to the July 2021 Juniors / Seniors Grading (Virtual or Physical Grading)*
Eligibility to the September 2021 Juniors / Seniors Grading (Virtual or Physical Grading)*
*Subject to passing your Pre-Grading test.
A true Martial Artist has no concept of quitting, only adapting and preseverring. During tough times we must put into practice what we have trained so hard to become and abide by the 'Tenets of Taekwondo', these are the same Tenets lived by all Taekwondo students around the world; they are:
Indomitable Spirit
Due to the high volume of calls, we ask all SGMAA members, to please direct any enquiries relating to the VIRTUAL DOJANG to SMS 0404 778 330 and an SGMAA Team Member will respond within 24 hours.
Throughout the year, SGMAA continually takes measures to improve the facilities, classes, equipment and provide maximum value to each and every student – from the tiniest 'Samurai' to the biggest 'Senior', we are constantly re-investing back into the club for your training comfort! We operate classes throughout all Public Holidays (except for Christmas/New Year and Easter) and we operate classes throughout School Holidays, year in and year out.
This is our way of giving back to you, our loyal and committed students – the SGMAA family.
Stay focussed... stay committed and stay loyal to your training and your Dojang during this time of inconvenience and adapt with us, ensuring we take a negative situation and turn it into a positive. During these times of restriction, we must work harder to hold onto our physical and mental health, children need to be engaged with live-classes and interaction with their mentors and teachers. Keep close to your VIRTUAL DOJANG and maintain your training routine!
Now is the time to stick together and be united by Taekwondo and demonstrate our true Martial Arts spirit and resilient character.
We look forward to seeing you in the DOJANG!
Master George
5th Dan Kukkiwon Black Belt
SGMAA Founder
Ms Jacky
2nd Dan Kukkiwon Black Belt
SGMAA Founder